Monday, September 5

Uh Oh Here It Comes

And the stress bug has kicked in a lot sooner than expected. Every week, a group of 6 of us in the Financial Accounting class has to do a presentation based on questions Prof Gan gives us. So guess who's group gets to go first next Monday? Gar!

I was quite lost today when he went through adjustments in the balance sheet. Just kept nodding my head, hoping he wouldn't ask me anything (I was in the front row and he kept looking at me), when in actual fact I was thinking 'OK, I'm pretty screwed if I don't read up for the next lesson'.

AHM on Sunday, gotta settle the Exodus camp programme for the BB guys, SMUBE recording on Saturday, Mediacorp tours on Friday, LTB project proposal due on Friday, gotta get my new Asics DS Trainers on Wednesday. I've got this huge checklist in my mind and it's in a big mess. I guess stress is self inflicted, and a lot of my time can be freed up if I didn't choose to do so many extra cirricular stuff.

I wouldn't have it any other way though. Weirdo, I am.