Monday, November 7


Just 3 weeks till the final exams, and it's pretty evident that the combined workload for the past 12 weeks has taken it's toll on most. I think a lot of us are feeling the fatique, the result of starting out too strong maybe? Especially for the guys, you know how it is. You spend two years doing your NS, all that time spent looking forward to the opportunity to study again. When the time for uni finally comes, all the guys just start to pia and become super muggerish, as if to make up for lost time.

Like a race, it's so important to pace yourself and make sure you don't burn out too soon. This term has been quite an eventful one so far. New experiences, and more importantly, new found friends.

Studies haven't been too bad as well. I'm quite content with the results so far, but just pray I'll have the discipline to push on and not stumble at the last hurdle, these last 3 weeks. The FA quiz in week 10 turned out a lot better than I thought it would be. If the FA quiz weren't open-book, I'd be pretty screwed though.

Comms is OVER, and I really hope I can get that A. I just have to! Quite shameful if I taught MOI in OCS for a year, and not get an A for what I was teaching all that while. That and I think I'll need it to pull up my GPA, cos' there're gonna be a lot more tougher modules in time to come.

It has been a very productive first term at SMU so far, and I just pray I'll be constantly reminded that it isn't by my own strength that I can accomplish all these things.

It is truly by God's grace. As April would say, humbleness and humility. Humbility.