Friday, June 16

Post Accident Celebrations

So we're getting a cheque of 931 US dollars for the damage done to the car! Cos' the car's still running fine, we've decided we won't repair it and use the money for other repairs and gas money, and split the remainder if any. That pretty much reinburses us for almost the full cost of the car. What a blessing in disguise.

Work has been pretty mundane of late, and it's getting increasingly harder to motivate myself to call out to guests. I'm quite thankful for responsible supervisors, unlike the horror stories I'm hearing from my friends who work in the foods department.

Been in the same game, Break-a-plate for about 2 weeks now. Just to amuse myself, I've managed to master breaking the plates by throwing it backwards without looking. The face the guests make when they see me do it is priceless, especially when they dare you to break the plates to prove to them it can be broken. Cheap thrill.

I really miss the messages, the studies, and the fellowship back at ARPC. We try to make it a point to have weekly devotion and sharing sessions, and I try to keep up with my QT, although it's so tempting to skip it, because I'm just so tired after a days work. (*excuses, excuses gabe*)

Leaving for New Orleans this Saturday afternoon. 16 hour drive. Will reach the Big Easy at Sunday Noon, US Eastern Time.

Just a random note, but there seems to be a thief in the house. Just the other day, Esmond's change went missing, and now Isaac's iPod is gone. I really hope I'm mistaken. Gotta go to work now. Ciao guys.