Why Am I Doing This Again?
I started blogging back in 2004, when I was in the army. I didn't have any real reason behind it, I just did it out of boredom, to kill time. It also seemed like a good way to let my friends know that I was still alive and well.My reason for blogging slowly evolved into using the blog as a platform to share bits of messages from Church, that I thought would be useful to anybody who would happen to stumble upon this humble site. I really hoped the blog would be used to encourage people and ultimately, share with you (yes, you my dear reader), if you haven't heard already, the good news of Jesus.
Looking back at the past few months of posts, it seems that I've kind of lost focus (gross understatement there). It's all been about what I've been doing, or the people I've been meeting up with, the US trip, blah blah yakitty yak...trivial pieces of information about my life which you don't really need to know and shouldn't bother about.
As much as I question my motivation for updating this blog, I also wonder, why do you, dear reader, want to read this?
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