Sunday, July 4

So I was on my way back home on Saturday morn, from my East Coast run. Was at Newton MRT, walking towards the bus stop, when this big built American man and his Indian friend walked towards me and spoke to me.

??: Hi, do you have a minute? Could I share something with you?
Gabe: Sure.
??: Hi my name's Elder Chambers (points to name tag), that's my friend Elder B?????, (points to his Indian friend).What's your name?
G: Gabriel.
EC: Gabriel? Really? Wow, that's a nice name. (Note: I'm not making this up guys!)
G: Thanks. Nice to meet you.
Elder Chambers: So where are you headed?
G: On my way home, following which I'll be going down to church.
EC: Oh great! So you go to church. Which one?

I explained that I was meeting up with my friend at Adam Road Presbytarian for a youth service. Judging from their distinct white long sleeve shirts, tie and name tag get up, it was easy to tell that Elder Chambers and his friend, who's name I forgot(oops), were Mormons.

EC: Can I share with you a verse?
G: Yeah why not?

So Chambers took out his Bible and quoted me a verse from a chapter which I have NEVER seen before. Ether, it was called.

G: So do you guys always have to wear those name tags?
EC: Yeah we do! We take them off when we're playing sports and games, but some of the guys keep them on. We just make fun of them (laughs). I'm kiddin!
G: Heh, so where are you guys from? I'm guessing you're from Utah (Where most Mormons are from)?
EC: Utah! That's right! B????'s from Sri Lanka. We're missionaries. We take a few years off our normal lives to go out in the world to evangelise......I'll be joining the Air Force when I return to Utah in a few months time.
G: Wow, cool. You know it takes a lot of guts to just come up to random strangers and just talk to them like you just did to me.
EC: (laughs), well thanks for giving me your time.

Chambers tried to give me his Mormon Bible, I politely declined. He then gave me some tracts which I still have with me. We talked for about 15 mins or so. Those were just some excerpts from our conversation which I could remember.

Even though I disagree with the Mormon faith and it's beliefs, I was impressed with Chamber's politeness and eagerness to share their message with me. The danger is that on the surface, Christianity and Mormonism seem to share the same beliefs.But dwelve deeper and you'll realise that there are many differences that go against Christian belief.

Although the Mormon faith and the Christian faith are 2 different beliefs altogether, I feel I could learn a thing or 2 from Chambers, when it comes to sharing the real Word. His enthusiasm has to be admired! I wonder if I could really do that. put aside my normal life for a few years to go out into the word and preach God's Word.

Show me the way God.