Saturday, January 29

15 Minutes Of Fame

So Dan had to remind me, my first words on national radio were:

"ummm...William Hung?"

Haha...but it was such a blast co-hosting the show on Power 98 with Sebestian. It wasn't much air time, but still enough to send out all the dedications to everyone. =)

Sebestian was showing me how DJ's work, and it's quite complicated actually! There's really a lot of multi-tasking involved. You have to answer phonecalls for contests, make sure the songlist keeps playing, and know when to say certain annoucments. The console was full of so many dials and switches...

It was just so cool to say, " That was Sugar Ray, and you're listening to Red Hot Radio Power 98, with your co-host Gabriel, and your DJ in command Sebestian!"

It was just SO COOL!