Thursday, June 2


Coco Latte was fun guys. Great meeting up with everyone, especially those I haven't seen in ages. Welcome home Mark Seow!

I was dying at the boutique today. A few cups of coffee and talking to Michael, Esther and Chris throughout the day kept me up and about. By dinner, I was spent. There were quite a few customers coming in just before closing time and I really felt like hiding in the storeroom or pantry cos' I was really in no condition to serve the customers. Thank God I didn't fall asleep while searching for clothes. Haha.

Before closing, this elderly man and his wife came in looking for polo tees, but I couldn't find his size at all! I felt really bad, cos' he must have chosen at least 6 designs, but somehow they all didn't have his size. I just said it was the sales period so all the smaller sizes were snapped up, since Ralph Lauren's smaller sizes are more suited for Asians. Eventually he did get something, but I just feel that we could sell so much more if we had more stock on smaller sizes.

There's just something so satisfying about securing a sale. Too bad part timers don't get commission. =( As soon as a customer says he's gonna pay, I pass the customers to one of the full timers, since they get commission for every item sold. I should ask for a share hor.

Got something to share. It's amazing how things work out. I have to work weekends now to make up for my 10 day absence in Malaysia, but I still get offdays. Working on weekends means I'll miss out on church services, but without me asking, Doreen put most of my offdays on Fridays, which means I'll be able to attend the Friday evening service at ARPC. Praise God.

Probably hit the pool and gym tomorrow morning. Haven't been exercising at all this past two weeks. I've resorted to doing bicep curls with the fire extinguisher in the storeroom, and doing calf raises when the customers aren't looking. Ha ha. No time to exercise? Make time.