Sunday, October 16

The Victory Rests With The Lord

Kayaking at Kallang Basin, navigation at Marina City Park, taking turns on the bike at East Coast Park, "Jumaring" (ascending) up Benjamin Sheares Bridge, and what had to be the highlight, abseiling down 10 storeys from the Benjamin Sheares Bridge, with the skyline in full view, the Ace Adventure Race was quite an experience.

Daniel, Danny and I started off at 11pm, and crossed the finish line at about 5am. Total distance covered: about 30km. There was a LOT of running, and I am ever so grateful for the honey gel Danny brought. Could have gotten back earlier, but spent about a total of one hour and a half waiting to jumar/kayak/abseil.

Cherry shared with us this verse before the race began:

Proverbs 21:31

31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the LORD.

The verse kept resounding in my head as the race wore on. Such a good and timely reminder. You can prepare all you want, but ultimately, without God, you can never win. It really is not by my strength alone.

Proverbs 21:31. Indeed.