Sunday, October 24

Pardon me while I ramble.

Had bible study with chris today. We said we would be accountable to each other, and remind each other to do our bible readings everyday. I've been doing it on and off all this while, depending on my level of tiredness. Quite ashamed of it. If I can't even do it now, when I'm like how slack in Army, how can I do it in Uni?

I thought Sky Captain was very impressive! Easily the best visuals I've seen in any film for a while. The plot and the acting was so-so. Can't blame Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow though. How da heck do you act like a 40-foot robot is trying to crush you when all you see is blue screen?

Thanks for the company Tiff, Eric. And Tiff, pink just isn't my colour la! No matter what Kyan on Queer Eye says! But thanks for your fashion suggestions at Topshop yesterday. Haha. Oh will get the Queer Eye CD from you soon!

Actually thinking about getting a moto license. Motorbikes are definately a more cost effective way of getting arnd S'pore, esp with the insanely high prices of cars we have here.

The new Motorola RAZR V3 looks sweet. It's as thin and light wallet. = (

Feeling excited. The week is just filled with so much promise!