Tuesday, September 28

Argh....God give me strength. I am soooo pissed.

My bro, Dan crashed my bike while riding it out just now. Thank God he wasn't seriously hurt. Just a few cuts and bruises.

What pisses me off isn't so much the fact that the bike was damaged, but I 'm angry with Dan for not being more careful. I was quite reluctant to lend him the bike just now, cos well...he can be reckless at times. I wish he didn't prove me right.

It pisses me off even more when I think of all the effort I took to keep my bike in tip-top condition. All that effort for nought.

I don't even know if Dan's even sincerely sorry for it. He seems to think he can make it all well by just buying new parts, and sending the bike for repair. That's not the frickin' point Dan. The damage to the bike can be easily repaired, but it'll take a lot longer for you to gain back my trust in you. Why am I writing this? It's definately a better way of taking out my frustrations than directing it at Dan.

The gears are deeply scratched. The front wheel is unstable. The front light broke off. Some paintwork scratched off... I am SOOO not gonna sleep well tonight.