Wednesday, February 9


First off, a very Happy Chinese New Year to one and all. Wan Shi Ru Yi, Fu Bu Gao Shen, Nian Nian You Yu, running out of "cheng yu"s here. Feng He Ri Li? Haha.

Anyways, been doing a lot of reflection of late. I've had a lot of time to do so. I dunno why, but I just feel quite miserable and distracted for no apparent reason at times. Maybe I know the reason, but I choose not to acknowledge it. My way of dealing with these short spells of unhappiness is to keep myself busy. Reading, meeting friends, cycling, swim, gym. Gyming does wonders I tell you. It really focuses all your negative energy into something positive. You can take out all your angst and misery on the machines, and you'll feel better after that, at least for me la. I have Keo to thank for introducing me to the wonderful world of weights. But sorry Keo, I'll have to hold out on the California gym membership till I get more moolah.

Why feel so shitty sometimes? Maybe it's because I lack direction. Maybe it's because there's something in my life that I need to change before I'm truly pleasing in God's eyes. Maybe it's just a combination of situations that leave me so exasperated right now at times.

I pray and I cry. Maybe it isn't enough.