Monday, March 28

Sorry Really Is The Hardest Word

I really pissed off my Dad just now.

I was driving my whole family back from a hearty dinner at The Tavern, which serves fantastic, but super expensive beef steaks ($32.oo per 100gm? HELLOO?!). Dinner and everything was great, and everyone was in a good mood.

Then somewhere along Clementi Road, Dad sorta made some remark that I was going too fast and braking too abruptly, even when I saw the red light. He said it in a really annoyed tone, and muttured something "....stupid..." under his breath. Wasn't the first time he's warned me about speeding, so I guess he has every right to be annoyed. I try to be more cautious, but sometimes I'm just more concerned about getting home ASAP.

I just get really agitated when driving, and when Dad says something like that, it really irks me. The last straw came when Mom asked me to slow down, when I was like doing 25km/h into a turn. I mean, who the hell drives slower than that? I dunno what came over me, but I just stepped hard on the accelerator reved the engine pretty hard. Quite dangerous travelling at that speed on a single lane road.

After we got out of the car, Dad said that was the last time I would drive in a while. I just cynically said sorry that I couldn't drive as well as he did. That threw him into a fit and there was finger pointing and a nasty exchange of words between the both of us.

Right now, I'm trying to draw up the courage to apologise to Dad. I really am too proud to admit i'm wrong sometimes and that's something that has to change. I put my family in danger in that moment of madness, and I ruined a perfectly good evening. I'm such an asshole.